Фонд основан в 2008 году.

Links with Icons

Наши направления (программы)

Наши направления:

— сотрудничество с домами ребёнка, где пребывают дети от 0 до 4-х лет;

— сотрудничество с детскими домами, где пребывают дети старше 4-х лет;

— сотрудничество с детскими больницами;

— информационно-просветительское направление;

— деятельность по привлечению благотворителей, жертвователей, спонсоров;

— хозяйственная деятельность.

Наши проекты:

— «Тихий свет детства»

— «Тихий свет детства — 2»

Оба эти проекта связаны с работой с детьми разного возраста в Доме ребенка, детских домах, детских больницах.

— «Петрушка»

— «К нам приехало кино»

— «Доктор Неболит»

— «Не хлебом единым»

— «Чтобы и стены помогали»

— «Теплые варежки — здоровые детки»

— «Волонтерская школа»

  • Cooperation with orphanage houses for the children from 0 to 4 years old;
  • Cooperation with orphanage houses for the children more than 4 years old;
  • Cooperation with children hospitals;
  • Informational and educational branch;
  • Activity on attraction of philanthropists, donators, sponsors;               
  • Administrative activities

Our Projects

“Warm mittens – healthy children”

The action starts from October and will last till December, 2008

The action purpose is to provide children from Orphanages with small warm things for walks in a cold season; to collect for children from 1 to 4 years old warm mittens and socks, vests and sleeveless jackets, and also warm caps for autumn and winter. Mittens are always lost, torn, wet, as no enough time to dry up – they are always necessary for children. There is never too many of mittens.

The children  need good items, given with love and knitted with warm feeling. Everyone can take part in the action himself,  it is possible to attract friends, acquaintances and colleagues, it is possible to participate on blessing of the priest with the parish.

Items are accepted on Saturdays 14.00 – 16.00. Address: Voznesensky avenue, 57/127

Please call preliminary  +7 906 249 09 84 (Svetlana Nikolaevna).

Information about the action will be placed on our site and on VKontakte.ru (group of our charity fund).

In case of questions please do not hesitate to call tel. +7 906 249 09 84.

Let the children we are caring for walk healthy in winter!

Significant events

Thanks to Victoria Chikinina and VKontakte.ru in October this year the number of interested people extended dramatically – the group “Charity fund for the sake of St. Matrona of Moscow” was established. You are welcome to join us!

In November, 2008 our site started working thanks to the efforts of Alexander Andreev. In July, 2009 the site was technically updated – we wait for you to visit it!